In January I visited
Space Dog Books in San Francisco to sign up to illustrate Treasure Island. It will be available for the I-Pad later in the year. There's a mighty list of previous illustrators who've tackled the subject matter, it's a case of not being daunted and trying something new with the material! Robert Louis Stevenson's prose is fabulous and I've thoroughly enjoyed reading the novel again.
I've nearly roughed out all 34 illustrations, now I need to find a style/look. I hope to post development work both here and on the Space Dog site.
awesome character! I like all the shapes he's made up of
Nice one!
Your work is shit hot! Love it!
Thanks Paul!
Nice one Cyril, nice one son, nice one Oscar, let's have another one!
Kristian-Many congrats on your latest animation.
Ahoy there Seaman Stains! Nice to see your bearded facade don Jones.
Hot shit eh!! Cheers Ben
I am so excited for this project, Matt! I can't wait to see the progress!
Will part of it be animated?
israel hands?
looks pretty good. I am looking forward to more.
Cool character! I love pirates and this one is awesome.
Sherman Unkefer
Thanks Brittney- I'm sure you're working on something beautiful as we speak.
Hi Stef- It's interactive, but not full animation, definitely stylised. We're still scratching our heads about how and what can be done!
Catherine- This is a generic pirate, Israel Hands has me stumped for now- how can anybody do a name like that justice!!?
Thanks Sandra and Sherman
Ahrrr! Taste like grog!
I like very much the new mushroomy header, too!
Cruickshank Studios
lovin the pirate!
Love it. Can't wait to see the finish product. I guess I'll need to get an ipad after all.
Really looking forward to what you do with this.
This sounds amazing, can't wait to see the finished product
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