Missionary Position#2

 Mexican stand off on Treat & 24th.


Scribbler said...


Antonin Herveet said...

great great great !

max said...

Amazing stuff Matt. I haven't visited your blog for a couple of months, there's some explosive new stuff. Wow!!!

Dave 'Diamond' Merritt said...

Your simple colour and pencil compositions are absolutely incredible. Simply inspiring. Are you using gouache for these studies. I must paint more. Wonderful work Matt

Matthew Cruickshank said...

Thanks guys. It's gouache Dave!

Unknown said...

Your linework is pure sex!
And your shading is sublime.

Frank said...

this is super cool!

Download 2018 said...

I was about to say something on this topic. But now i can see that everything on this topic is very amazing and mind blowing, so i have nothing to say here. I am just going through all the topics and being appreciated. Thanks for sharing.