New Years Eve/Day 2019

Animation and design for New Years celebrations. A very happy New Year to all.

Tree Of Life.

Over the holidays I completed my interpretation of a Mayan Tree of Life. The path of the sun rotates anti clockwise between the home of the living and the dead, setting at 7pm and rising at 5am. I placed a mirror in the centre for personal reflection. This piece completes my set of North and South American motifs I've created around my house.

Napa Valley 2018

Took Mum on the Napa Valley wine train for Xmas. Wine, carrot cake and an Agatha Christie novel. I shall be putting my Xmas crackers in this Vintage Italian Wine Press I painted for the remainder of the festive period. Merry Xmas to you all! 

Toilet Wall.

Painting from a wall pattern in a Mission District toilet- SF. Not painted from the throne.

Life drawing Nov 17th

Short poses with a short model! 1 & 5 minute poses.

Doc's Lab- Monterey

A curious weekend. The soporific air quality in SF drove me to Monterey. I chanced upon a tour of Ed Rickett's Lab (via Mike Dutton Tours) - wonderful stuff!!!! Inhaled as much Steinbeck as possible. Sign up here if you swing by Monterey. These are for you Doc!

Alexander Borodin.

My animated tribute to Alexander Borodin- Principally a Russian chemist but also composer of many operas including Prince Igor.

New Mexico November 2018

A painting trip to New Mexico with Mike Dutton and Matt Jones. America is one beautiful chunk of land & I'm so humbled by it. It's going through one hell of a tough time, but looking at mountains reassured me it's just a momentary blip. Go vote tomorrow my American friends!

Varvara Stepanova

My tribute to Varvara Stepanova- A kick ass Russian female artist

20 years of Google.

Ideas and rough concepts for an animated video to celebrate 20 years of Google.

Altamira Cave

My animated tribute to the majestic Altamira Cave paintings.

September Sumo!

 Had a blast sketching in Japantown this weekend with Matt Jones.

Oskar Schlemmer

Dancing Robot! My homage to Oskar Schlemmer- the German Bauhaus designer who explored the integration of humans and machines.

Dolores Park

A Friday afternoon painting in a windy Dolores Park.

Ebenezer Cobb Morley.

Before Mr. Morley football was a mosh pit of mauling and monocles. Here's to the man who gave football actual rules (although I'd like to see the monocle reinstated).

Life drawing Sat 5th August.

Life drawing Sat 5th August. All the models tattoos were Alice In Wonderland illustrations by Sir John Tenniel.

Philip & The Stove graphic novel.

86 page full colour graphic novel available online for $5- mushroom trip included!

Buy it HERE

Sample pages:


2 days in Lake Tahoe swimming, cycling, and a little drawing/painting.

Dogpatch July 2018

Painting the Dogpatch recently with Mike Dutton & Matt Jones. Then trying silver paint later for The Pearl building- 601 & 19th st. Next day was a great catch up with two more diamond geezers- JP Vine & Jamie Baker.

Gino Bartali

Gino Bartali (1914-2000)- an exceptional Italian cyclist ( 2 Tour de France titles) and even more exceptional human being. He saved hundreds of jews by transporting counterfeit papers in the frame of his bike.

Japanese Tea Garden.

Sketch at the JTG Sunday. A couple got engaged right behind me during the drawing so I sent them a dated souvenir of the day!

Hubert Cecil Booth

A round of applause for Hubert Cecil Booth and his petrol-powered, horse-drawn vacuum cleaner!